Guidelines for our written production


You are latter-day RobinsonCrusoe. You are stranded on a desert island. It´s been ten days since you got shipwrecked and you start losing hope of being rescued. In order to keep track of time you decide to write a diary.Your diary will be in the format of a blog. In groups of 3 to 4 students. You have to write your impressions of your life on the island, making an account of your daily activities. For such, we will be visiting the school´s cyber room every now and then: once to start the blog (choosing a name, writing an introduction, presenting yourself, giving background information to the creation of the blog); a couple of times to add information to it, and one last time to read your mates´blogs and write comments on them.

Pictures are highly welcome. Be creative. You can add ideas but cannot change the factual information in the story.

Turma 84 Grupo 2 C

   I decided to explore the island. I had been there for ten months. In my mind I had no chance of being rescued. There I was surprised to find grapes and melons growing. And continuing on, I came to a beautiful green area of my island wich was full of orange, lemon and lime. It was like a planted garden. After I returned home, I carried some grapes and lime with me, from my home. I thought about moving to that part of the island, but at last I decided that I should stay where.

  At last I decided to build another home in this beautiful place, so that I could have a country house and a seaside house. I spent several weeks making a little bower. I had just finished building my bower and collecting all the raisins, after the rain I decided to plant rize and corn that I had picked and saved but because it was so dry for the next few months, the plant didn´t come up until the next rains. I learned to plant then just before the rains.

  I called him Friday, his was a tall, good looking man and had about twenty six years old, I thought. His skin was very dark and he had a small nose, bright eyes and thin lips. He looked like a good person. I told him that I would call him Friday, because that was the day when I saved him. I taught him to call me Master. After this day, in the morning I took Friday to my hut . When we came to place where the two cannibals were buried and Friday made signs that we should  dig up and eat them. I could see where the men had been, but they had gone and so had their canoes. However, I wanted to be sure. So taking Friday with me I went down to the shore . When we got there my blood turned could. The shore was covered with bones. When we got back I found some clothes to him and made a jacket.
I began to teach him many things principaly speak my language, he learned so quickly. I loved talking to him. My life seemed so good. If only I felt safe from the cannibals I thought to myself I would be happy to stay on the island forever.
I also talked about God with Friday, and I thaught him about the Christian religion. Friday was very clever and asked me many questions my religion.

One day Friday told me about some white men who had arrived in his land in a boat . He told me that he and his people had saved the from drowning. After this we were on the top of hill on the east side of the island when we saw the mainland. Friday started to jump and dance around,happily. His face was so full of happiness that it made me think. If Friday could one day get back to his own country would he forget  about his new Christian religion his promise, education and he could eat mens but he said no, he will stoping eat men because I had saved his life .
Together we tried to get back to Europe, I told Friday that were going to make a canoe, he would be able to go back home Friday said did not say anything.
Once the rains stopped , we began getting ready for ou voyage. I was busy one morning preparing food to take with us, when Friday suddenly came running into the hut. "Master! Mmaster!'' he cried . He told me that he had seen six canoes on the shore , I got my guns and swords ready and then I climbed up the hill, I could see twenty one cannibals and three prisioners. He came back very quickly.He said  the cannibals were already eating one prisioner  .
'Friday', I said 'Are you ready? Fire the gun when I tell you´ . Friday killed two of the cannibals , the other cannibals run around terrified, some of the cannibals run and jumped into the canoes , Friday told me that was a Spanish man on the ground.
 So now I had people on my island . I had saved the lives of all my people , Friday went back to the coast to  get our guns .The next day  I began to think again about making a voyage across to the mainland. The Spanish man told me that there were sixteen of his man on the mainland, they had no  gunpowder and littlefood .First , I thought that we needed to grow more food  if the Spanish men were going to live in the island. I was asleep one morning when Friday came running in, shouting. It was an English ship , and the boat coming towards the island  was an english boat. I  decided to get ready to fight. I hung two guns over each shoulder as well, and gave several guns to Friday, in the afternoon, the man went into the woods. I guessed that  they were  probably slepping.
They were very surprised  to see  me come out of the woods . I looked very strange. The man were frightened by me at first . But after some time they told me their story. One of the men was the captain. There had been a munity on the ship - the men had turned agaisnt  the captain and taken over the ship themselves. "Now they have decided to leave me on this island" - said the captain.
When we were safe I told my story to the captain, we had to decided how to get the ship back, the captain told me that were twenty six men on the ship. We had just finished ,when we heard  the ship fire a gun. the men on the ship were calling the other men back.We watched them through my telescope.there were ten men coming with guns to the island .
Friday and the captain's kept shouting to them an then running deeper into the wood.When they finnaly  came back  to their  boat ,after several hours ,they were very tired.When they saw thet their boat was empty ,they could not belive it. They were very frightened, and were sure that they were going to be killed ar eaten up.
Captain told the men taht there was a governor on the island ,waiting to come and get them with fifty men. He told them that if they put down their guns they could live .We put three  of the worst men in the cave ,and tied up the other at my bower. He told them that when they got back to England they would all be killed for taking part in a munity.Terrified,the men all fell down to  their kness and promised to give their lives for the captain .We told the men  who went with the captain that they must do as he said . If they didn`t , the governoir would kill the prisioners.
The captain gave me a drink and helped me to sit down.I put my arms around him.I told him that God had sent him to save me.And I thanked God ,who had given me so much on the island and was now settting me free at last.
The prisoners were very thankful ,and agreed to stay on the island .I told the captain that I would stay one more night on the island ,while he got the sheap ready.I showed them how to make a bread and plant corn,and how to dry grapes.I showed them how to look after the goats,and gave them guns and gunpowder.And I told them to behave well towards the Spanish men when they arrived on the island .In the 19 of the December 1686 , I left the island.I had been there for twenty-eight years ,two months and nineteen days.So I went back to my home.

Students:Miguel Pereira n°15 and  Rafael Lira n°19.
Teacher:Sandra Bahia